Download book of lost memories silent hill 2 for free
Download book of lost memories silent hill 2 for free

Many years later, I got my hands on a used Vita and found myself with a bit of free time, so I finally decided to give this much maligned experiment a try. That’s why I originally gave the game a pass back in late 2012. Not only did I find the idea of a portable dungeon crawler offensive to the very spirit of the franchise, but, like most people I know, I didn’t own a PlayStation Vita. However, despite being such a die-hard fan of the series, I had long avoided the infamous Silent Hill: Book of Memories.

download book of lost memories silent hill 2 for free

Hell, I even like to revisit the cinematic oddity that is Silent Hill: Revelation from time to time. From the impressive production value of Homecoming to the moody ambience of Downpour, I think there’s something to love about every single game in the Silent Hill franchise.

Download book of lost memories silent hill 2 for free